Cyclone Oma – Get Ready, Be Prepared
Every year Queenslanders experience severe weather, which can cause a significant amount of damage from excessive winds, rainfall and flooding – and expected outcomes from Cyclone Oma are no different.
The Bureau of Meteorology has provided a Preparation & Safety Procedures Checklist for your reference – we encourage you to familiarize yourself. It is important to take time to prepare your family, pets and property.
If there is an emergency, please contact one of the following authorities for assistance:
- Police/Fire/Ambulance – 000
- Police Non-Emergency – 131 444 (to report a crime etc)
- SES – Flood and Storm Emergencies – 132 500
- Energex Emergencies – 131 962
- Energex Loss of Power – 131 262
Should you, or your family, require assistance following a natural disaster, a comprehensive list of support services can be found on Get Ready Queensland.