Diane Evans

  • 29/08/2023
DianeDiane Evans Team Leader & Senior Strata Manager Diane Evans has been an integral part of the team since 2004, bringing with [...]

Brette Stevens

  • 29/08/2023
BretteBrette Stevens Senior Strata Manager Brette Stevens starter her career at BCP Strata in 2015 as an Administration Assistant, where she quickly [...]

Vicki Shaw

  • 29/08/2023
VICKIVicki Shaw Accounts Manager Vicki Shaw is BCP Strata's Accounts Manager and the longest-serving employee at BCP, having embarked on her journey [...]

Katie McDowall

  • 29/08/2023
KatieKatie McDowall Strata Manager Katie McDowall joined the BCP Strata team in 2018 and she has honed her expertise working as an [...]